Legislative Priorities: 2022 General Assembly
The Maryland Education Coalition (MEC) advocates for civil rights, health, public education, and safety for all students and their families. During Maryland's 443rd General Assembly Session, we will work to advance legislation in the following areas:
MEC recommended the following legislative priorities to be addressed during the 2022 General Assembly session:.
Restore $140 million in Blueprint Funds as defined in law. The Governor failed to include $99 million for Baltimore City and $27 million for Prince George's County public schools. The only two minority-majority jurisdiction were underfunded $845 million between 2002 and 2017 and are among the lowest wealth jurisdictions in the state. They also have among the largest number or percentage of black & brown students as well as those identified as lower income, special needs and Limited English. Failure to fund the Education Effort will continue to inadequate and inequitably fund public education for those school systems, staff and students who have the greatest needs.
Invest in students today. Do not wait 10 years to provide Maryland's students a 21st century education (as defined by the Kirwan Commission). Our state is facing an unprecedented educational moment. We can't wait a decade to reimagine what our schools need to be, we should fully invest now. Phasing in what students need today for a decade is not how to respond to this moment.
Invest in teachers today. Restore the $14 million underfuned by the Governor in the proposed FY 23 budget for teacher programs, services and training. Educators have faced an unprecedented experience with students having been out of school for more than 18 months before returning this year to an ever evolving crisis of the Pandemic, Racism, and Economic. Teachers need staff, support and time to plan and be able to respond meaningfully.
Increase access to physical and behavioral health staffing and services today. Students who live in extreme poverty should not have to wait years for additional public health services and community investment. High poverty communities have been ravaged for decades with little to no hope of meaningful investment or opportunities. Zipcodes do determine fate in the most wealthiest state in the Union. Students who are attending schools with significant concentrations of poverty should immediately experience a level of investment that lets them know that we see them and we as a state are responding.
Combat poverty today. The impact of poverty is traumatic and harms children, disproportionally our state's Black and Brown youth. The state must invest in students health and well-being by sustaining our current multiplier for providing additional resources for each economically disadvantaged student.
Advance equity for students with disabilities today. Students who have IEPs and 504 Plans deserve inclusive schools that have the resources and full range of staffing, services and technology that makes that possible.
Ensure high school students have access to college and career counseling today. What do these dollars pay for? Is it additional counselors in high school? If yes, then I think it could be a very important investment at this time. So many high school students have experienced nearly two years of not being in school regularly and are now trying to navigate catching up on credits, and planning for their future, which may seem completely out of touch.