Dear Attendees of the MEC Town Hall,
Thank you for attending our Town Hall on Tuesday night, January 31, 2023. For those who RSVPed and
couldn’t make it, please view the recording HERE.
We had a great conversation with Governor Moore’s new legislative chief, Eric Luedtke.
We are excited to hear that the next four years will be much different for our public schools and for education advocates. As champions of public education, we expect Governor Moore and Mr. Luedtke to have an open-door policy and engage with MEC and other education
advocates statewide as we move forward TOGETHER with this enormous and complex reform plan. In his first state budget, Governor Moore has added $500 million to the budget to ensure that the Blueprint can remain on track for the next few years. However, Mr. Luedtke was clear about the need for more funding to be secured to implement the full plan in subsequent years. MEC and our allies will be there to support these efforts!
MEC’s Town Hall also featured advocates who are working on various aspects of the Blueprint — improving policies that govern special education and English Language Learner programs, establishing a framework and training on cultural competency, ensuring access to arts education, advocating for evidence-based literacy programs, pushing for full funding for Community Schools and more. This work takes a lot of time, especially from people who are most impacted by these policies. Take a look at our Community Guide for the Blueprint. We encourage you to reach out to us and to reach out to our partners, leading the work on various issue areas.
Sponsored by Strong Schools Maryland, Blueprint Day is the celebration of two years since the historic bill to increase the funding for our state's public schools and increase the services needed for all Maryland's students was passed. Because of the advocacy of community members like yourself, we are now seeing changes like moving towards universal Pre-K and increasing numbers of community schools across the state. Join us in Annapolis and invite at least five friends who want to join this movement to remind legislators to keep the promise that they've made to our state's students.
Lastly, if you are interested in learning more about what education bills will be considered during this year’s session, check out this bill chart on MEC’s website. Reach out to us if you have questions or if you are interested in working on any of these bills.
Again, thank you for showing up, and we hope to see you again!
Ellie Mitchell & Rick Tyler, Co-Chairs of MEC
The Maryland Education Coalition (MEC) generally meetings the 2nd Tuesday of each month, except on holidays
State Board 2021 Meeting Calendar, Agendas, & Minutes
Board of Public Works (Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer)
Maryland General Assembly Meetings
(Committee Meetings or Hearings by Day, Week, Month)
Practice Masking, Hand-washing
and Social Distancing.
MEC urges ALL members, partners, friends and
communities to remain Smart, Safe and Healthy.