Student Result (%)
Group (All Students) Count
TOTAL 887,176
ADA 504 4.4 38,789
Eco Disadv 27.2 241,578
FARMS 43.7 387,331
EL 11.7 10,399
Migrant 0.0 72
SWD 12.0 106,216
Title 1 25.8 228,926
Homeless 1.5 13,268
Foster Care 0.2 1,946
Military 1.8 16,207
Gifted Talented 14.9 131,924
MSDE 2022 Students Receiving Special Service Data
(Student Groups by School) - HERE
Larger Race/Ethnicities
Asian African American White Hispanic
58,991 292,518 298,668 182,787
MSDE Staff and Student (Data) Publications - HERE
Maryland Public School Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Gender and Number of Schools
Staff Employed at School and Central Office Levels
Number by School District, Position, Staff/Student Ratio

Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP)
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that states administer annual statewide assessments to all students in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics in grades 3-8 and once in high school, as well as in science once in each grade span (3-5, 6-8 and high school), and annual English language proficiency assessments in grades K-12 for all English learners.
In addition to these federally mandated assessments, Maryland State law (Md. Ed. Art §7-203) requires a social studies assessment once in the middle school grade band (which will be administered in Grade 8) and the High School Assessment in American Government.
Maryland also provides Alternate Assessments written to the Alternate Standards for those students who require this accommodation.
Additionally, the majority of Maryland kindergarteners are administered the KRA to determine their readiness for kindergarten.
A Quick Guide to Understanding the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) - CLICK HERE
THE MARYLAND REPORT CARD: Maryland’s Accountability System
What it is and what it is not
What is an accountability system?
Maryland’s accountability system measures school and local education agency performance. It provides information to educators, parents, and the public about each school and paves the way for improvement. Through a strong accountability system, stakeholders gain an understanding of how schools are doing and where support is needed in order for those schools to perform better.
What does Maryland’s accountability system measure?
The Maryland accountability system includes multiple ways to describe student and school performance. The major components of the accountability system are called “indicators.”
The indicators are:
Academic Achievement, Academic Progress, Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency, and School Quality and Student Success at the Elementary and Middle School Levels; Academic Achievement, Graduation Rate, Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency, Readiness for Postsecondary Success, and School Quality and Student Success at the High School Level.
Information about schools throughout the State: Users can view the Report Card for any school and local education agency in the state. The Report Card website also has additional information and data about the performance of Maryland public schools.
How are schools measured?
The School Report Card shows data on individual measurements of school performance. It also combines the data into three “summary scores:”
TOTAL EARNED POINTS PERCENT: The total number of points earned by the school, divided by the total possible points.
STAR RATING: A concise way of showing a school’s total earned points percent.
PERCENTILE RANK: A comparison of how a school performed relative to other schools.
NOTE: The Report Card does not include individual student performance data
- Parents, contact your students school for their Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) scores
How is that information reported?
Each school’s results on the Maryland accountability system are compiled and reported on the Maryland Report Card website. The individual School Report Cards are designed so parents, educators, stakeholders, and others can easily understand how their schools are performing, just as traditional report cards help parents understand how their students are performing academically in their classes and in other important ways.
NOTE: Some indicators measure non-academic categories that can impact overall school or system performance or overall point totals
For the complete brief above including details on the indicators used to calculate the Report Card for each school at the Elementary, Middle and High School Level percentages used for each - CLICK HERE
2022 Statewide Report Card-Star Ratings & Points
( See Tabs HERE)
Rating/Points by School (Non-Combo Schools)
Ratings/Points by District, then Non-Combo School
Ratings/Points by District, Non-Combo School and Student Groups
Student Groups
Combo Schools - For their Report Card Results, CLICK HERE